Blood Administration
Our highly advanced technology enables us to offer the following
Whole Blood
Clinical Indication :
Red cell replacement in acute blood loss with hypovolaemia Exchange transfusion.
Dosage :
10 ml/kg or 1 unit increases Hb by 1 gm/dl.
Storage & Shelf-life :
4 ± 20C for 35 days
Red Cell Concentrates(RCC)
Clinical Indication :
- Anemia
- Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Anemia,
- Blood loss during surgery
Dosage :
10 ml/kg or 1 unit increases Hb by 1 gm/dl.
Storage & Shelf-life :
4 ± 20C for 35/42 days
Leuco-reduced Red Cell Concentrates (LRCC)
Clinical Indication :
- Anemia
- Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Anemia,
- Blood loss during surgery
Dosage :
10 ml/kg or 1 unit increases Hb by 1 gm/dl.
Storage & Shelf-life :
4 ± 20C for 42 days
Platelet concentrate-Random Donor Platelet (RDP)/ Single Donor Platelet (SDP)
Clinical Indication :
- Thrombocytopenia (5-20x109/L) to prevent spontaneous bleeding
- Thrombocytopenia (< 5x109/L) with active bleeding or prior to invasive procedure
- Normal platelet count : qualitative (abnormal) platelet function.
- Preferably group compatible. However, non-group specific platelets can be given
Dosage :
- No standard dose for platelet transfusion in medical practice.
- 1 unit/10 kgs wight; 4 units/m2 surface area
- 1 plateletphresis unit increase the recipients platelet count by 20,000-40,000/mm3
Storage & Shelf-life :
22 ± 20C for 5 days
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Clinical Indication :
- Acquired bleeding disorders with active bleeding or prior to an invasive procedure. (Liver disease; Vit K Deficiency or Warfarin; disseminated intravascular coagulation-DIC; Dilutional coagulopathy)
- Hereditary bleeding disorders, when a concentrate is not available (FV or FXI deficiency)
- Special Consideration : ABO compatible, No Rh- compatibility or X- match required
Dosage :
10-15 ml/kg should be given
Storage & Shelf-life :
below -300C for 1 year
Clinical Indication :
- Hypofibrinogemia : fibrinogen < 100 mg/dl with active bleeding or fibrinogen < 200 mg/dl in a postoperative patient with excessive bleeding.
- Von Willebrand's disease
- Uremia or hereditary platelet disorder
- Factor XIII deficiency
Special Consideration :
No ABO, Rh or X-match required
Dosage :
1 unit/10 kg should be given
Storage & Shelf-life :
below -300C for 1 year
Saline-washed Red Cell Concentration
Wash Red cell by normal saline for removal of plasma protein substance.
Clinical Indication :
- Symptomatic anemia with plasma protein antibodies, IgA Ab.s, PNH, H/O febrile reactions
Dosage :
10 ml/kg or 1 unit to increase Hb 1gm/dl
Storage & Shelf-life :
4 ± 20C 24 hours if prepared by open system. If prepared by closed system same as original blood unit.
Exchange Transfusion Product
Clinical Indication :
Exchange transfusion is generally carried out for hyper-bilirubinaemia and / or usually due to hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) or prematurity. That time Red Cell Concentrate and Fresh Frozen Plasma mixture is a good choice.
RVBB & RC produces a red cell product especially for neonatal exchange transfusion.
- Group O Negative or O Positive (If mother & child both are Rh Positive)
- Leucocyte Depleted
- Fresh (< 3 days)
A Plasma Product
Group AB plasma.
Using sterile connecting devise to maintain sterility and avoid bacterial contamination.
Dosage :
Full body blood volume of the patient. Average 350-500 ml of blood.
Storage & Shelf-life :
24 hours after mixture preparation